Workspace Storage

Gitpod uses bucket storage to persist the contents of workspaces. Each workspace is tarballed into a single archive file which is then uploaded to a separate bucket.

By default Gitpod installs MinIO as built-in bucket storage which uses a persistent volume to store workspace content.

For more complex use case we recommend configuring more permanent means of persistence by either:

  • Configure the contained MinIO-instance to serve as a gateway OR configure one of a wide range of storage backends.
  • Bring your own storage bucket: Configure Gitpod to either connect to:
    • your own installation of MinIO
    • a Google Cloud Storage compatible storage solution

a) Configure custom MinIO instance

  1. Create a file values.custom.yaml with this content:

          kind: minio
            accessKey: enterKeyHere
            secretKey: superSecretKeyGoesHere
            tmpdir: /tmp
    # Disable built-in minio instance
      enabled: false
  2. Redeploy Gitpod using helm upgrade --install -f values.custom.yaml gitpod --version=0.9.0 to apply the changes

    Note that Helm does not merge hierarchies in a single file. Please make sure there is only ever one components hierarchy or the last one overwrites all previous values.

b) Configure the built-in MinIO instance

  1. Consult the chart’s documentation at
  2. Create a file values.custom.yaml with this content:
      accessKey: add-a-radom-access-key-here
      secretKey: add-a-radom-secret-key-here
      # insert custom config here
  3. Redeploy Gitpod using helm upgrade --install -f values.custom.yaml gitpod --version=0.9.0 to apply the changes
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